Monday, December 12, 2011

Still It Rains

The rain seems endless but I don't mind. When the body is too wet to wander, the spirit will instead. I love these days and instead of driving the sodden roads, I'll drive the road of my imagination instead. Books, oh books and sleep where I'm not tied to physicality but free to roam a wider universe.

Wander on ...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Eyes of Ancient Wisdom

I took this photo about a year ago, and when I pulled it out today it reminded me of Ashes and Snow and the deep knowledge our elders keep safe for the next generation.

Wander on ...

A Wander in the Weather

Such a remarkable morning spent swimming in a pristine bay, warmth and sunshine and everything blue and full of summer, such a remarkable afternoon caught in a thunderstorm reeking of armageddon.

I love wandering through such extremes from the perfection of a Summer Sunday to the devastation of tropical thunderstorm. Traffic had slowed on the freeway to a mere crawl, and with the cars parked by the side of the road one could think an over-zealous police officer got his fill of parking tickets for a decade.

We crawled aquaplaned across the concrete dancefloor and it was glorious and primal and every good thing.

Wander on ...